Word for Today 今日圣言 2022.6.15

Unconditional joy 无条件的喜乐(中文为本人试译)

When joy is absent from your life, power is also missing (see Nehemiah 8:10). Our happiness shouldn’t be based on what’s happening around us; it should be dependent on our relationship with Jesus. John says, ‘We can be completely filled with joy’ (1 John 1:4 GWT).
当你的生活中没有喜乐,你就不会有力量(尼希米记 8:10)。幸福不应该建立在我们周围发生的事情上,应该取决于我们与主耶稣的关系。用使徒约翰的话说,我们可以“喜乐充足”(约翰一书 1:4)。

Pastor Reimar Schultze notes: ‘John did not say this when all was well, but when…everything had turned to shambles. 1) All his fellow apostles had been murdered. 2) Rome had destroyed the temple [so]…not one stone was left upon another. Flavius Josephus, an eyewitness wrote, “The multitude of those that…perished exceeded all the destructions men or God ever brought upon the world.” 3) Many Jews and Christians became refugees. Average life expectancy was about forty years and 25 per cent of the people in Rome were slaves. 4) John himself lived as a condemned criminal on the Isle of Patmos. He had no earthly comforts;…no assurance of living another day. When the cup of misery was full, God commissioned [him] to show the world the absolute power and triumph of Christianity over everything…[John’s] writings, in reference to our daily walk, put a capstone on all that heaven intended to reveal in the Word: if we have apostolic fellowship, our joy will be full. You do not need pleasant circumstances for this to happen.’
Reimar Schultze 牧师指出,使徒约翰的这话不是在顺境中写下的,当时的情况极其恶劣。1) 其他所有的使徒都已殉道。2)罗马军队已摧毁了圣殿,以至于没有一块石头留在另一块石头上。目击者弗拉维乌斯·约瑟夫斯(Flavius Josephus)写道:“那些……死去的人超过了人类或上帝曾给世界带来的全部破坏的总和。” 3) 许多犹太人和基督徒逃亡,平均预期寿命约为 40 岁,25% 的罗马人是奴隶。4) 约翰本人在拔摩岛上罪犯服刑。他没有世俗的舒适,今天不知明天是否还能活着。当他手中的苦难之杯满溢时,上帝委托他向世人展示基督教对一切事物的绝对力量和胜利……约翰笔下写到的每日与上帝同行,就是启示的顶峰。如果我们像使徒一样与神相交,我们的喜乐就会充足。人生顺利并非享受充足喜乐的必要条件。


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